Why Us?

There are so many career coaching programmes in Singapore and around the region. Some are established brands and even have been in the career coaching market for a long time.

So why seek career coaching at Career Strengths Asia? Watch the video below to find out why.

We summarise the essentials of why we think we offer the best career coaching:

  • Our coaching methodology, which utilises the world’s best tools and techniques, emphasises a strengths-based approach.
  • Our analysis methodology has the ability to pick up subtle clues from the information you provide. No one does better than us.
  • Our strengths are to maximise your strengths.
  • We focus on career pull rather than career push.
  • We give you the clarity and the hand you need in looking for your ideal career.
  • We strongly believe everyone can find the right fit.

Our target clients are:

  • Fresh graduates or under graduates from university or polytechnics (any degree or diploma) wanting to embark on a fulfiling career
  • Young Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) in their late 20s, or early 30s who feels they are in the wrong career path or wants explore other career opportunites but not sure whether to do so
  • Mid Career PMETs in their mid 30s who may have become redundant in today’s corporate race or feel an urge in responding to the heart’s calling but not sure what

Why the above target audience, you may ask. Well, we believe in the concept of teaching what we know and giving back. Hence, collating our collective background in Career Strengths Singapore, we have done the following before in our lives and therefore we know how to bounce from the bottom to enjoy career fulfilment. And more importantly we would then be able to competently teach/coach you on what we know.

This is what we have done before:

  • Scout for jobs overseas, land interviews, score in them and land seven (7) job offers in the United Kingdom and China and secure a Masters sponsorship. We will teach you how to do it.
  • Rise through the corporate ranks rapidly with a major promotion in every two years and become a Director in less than ten years after graduation. We will teach you how to do it.
  • Carry out career personality analysis on more than 300 individuals and feedback has it that we are good at what we do. Average feedback score is 8.5 out of 10.We will show you how we did it.
  • Earn a salary based on the jobs which feed on our strengths, and is often above the average of your peers. We will teach you how to do it.
  • Starting own business from scratch, have it running profitably after knowing what our strengths (and weaknesses) are. We will teach you how to do it.
  • High hit rates of securing interviews and job offers – we know the trick to it. We will show you how to do it.
  • Found our career passion, purpose and values while having a full-time work, but we still manage to realise our dreams through proper career change strategies and determination. We will teach you how to do it.

You may not believe everything you read and that’s fine – but do contact us for a no-fee chemistry session and put us to the test.

We are confident that we will impress you.

Read more on what we offer.

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